A Faith Section?

As you can probably guess, I’m really excited about the new site. It’s been a long time coming (gosh if you only knew!!!).

What I love about it though is that with the new format, I no longer feel limited to just talking about bodybuilding, training, and nutrition.

The chains have been released! I knowUt oh! 

I absolutely love all that stuff and it’s a huge part of who I am, but there are so many more things that I want to share with you that I think you’ll benefit from…things that I believe are critical for a truly fulfilling, successful, and abundant life.

And what’s more important than our spiritual life? Honestly nothing.

Our life here is very short (heck my life is probably already half over – if not more! Crazy…) and it’s what awaits us after this world that really matters.

That’s why one of the things I’m most psyched (and honestly a little scared) about is this Faith section.

I’m excited because I get to share with you some things I’ve learned and experienced as a Christian, but I’m also nervous because I know this will polarize and turn off some people, but I’m willing to take that chance because I think it’s so important.

I’m also really stepping out of my comfort zone here to be honest.

Why? Because I’m far from a “perfect” Christian. I mess up all the time, I don’t go to church twice a week or even every week, I can’t recite scripture like a biblical scholar, and I’m not a master of theology.

I’m just a regular person like you trying to do the best I can and explore and grow in my spiritual relationship with God.

So that you don’t suffer for my shortcomings, not everything in this section is going to come from me. (sigh of relief…for both of us!)

I’m going to tell you my story and share as much as I can, but I’m also going to get the assistance, perspective, and insight of several awesome God-loving people – pastors, authors, scholars, and others…people that God has blessed with the gift of teaching that will help us along (yes, I’m hoping to learn and grow too).

Simply put, my goal for this section is for you to realize that God loves you and provide the tools, resources and encouragement to help you grow in your relationship with Christ no matter where you are now.

And maybe you’re not even a believer – that’s totally ok! If this is you, please just poke around on here with an open mind and see if anything sparks any interest or questions, and if so, cool. If not, that’s ok too.

There will never be any judgment here, and I’ll never lecture or push my beliefs on you.

Welcome! I can’t wait to start this journey together.

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